Oscillation - 3D animation, saxophone, real-time sound processing, motion capture data

Oscillation - Addressing issues for designing a new work for saxophonist and digital media - Collaboration -
3D animation, saxophone, real-time sound processing, motion capture data

Collaboration between Franziska Schroeder, Pedro Rebelo, Peter Nelson

"We address issues raised in designing a new work for saxophonist and digital media involving 3D motion capture technology. A saxophonist's kinaesthetics are recorded with a 3D motion capture system, and used as control data in the real-time processing of sound and 3D visuals.

We address current gesture research and propose an extension to current gesture taxonomies. Linguistics have been taken as a basis for analysis of communication in musical processes, and serve as a fundamental reference in our discussion. The writings of Julia Kristeva, in particular her concept of dialectic oscillation between the semiotic and symbolic modalities, inform our approach to designing a system which articulate gestural intention with technological imprint. "
