International Call for Works - VISUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL

I am very happy to announce the call for works for visual music films for a visual music festival devoted to contemporary practice to be held at the University of Kentucky, US. Why I am very proud is one of my former students is involved in organising this, well done Kristine 

Visual Music Festival - University of Kentucky

SCFA Visual Music Festival 2025 @ The University of Kentucky

Call for visual music films, Deadline is 15th December 2024

General Rules:

• The films must be made entirely with abstract imagery, avoiding representation. That is:

no cars, no people, no landscapes, no texts, etc.

• You can use any technique you’d like: drawing, video composition, cgi, scratch, op-art,

stop-motion, camera-less…

• The soundtrack cannot feature any words, in any language. If you’re using a song, this

must be instrumental or feature non-narrative voices, (no lyrics).

• Maximum running time is 8 minutes.

• Open and/or closing credits are welcome.

• Films must have been produced after 2017.

• We kindly request authors to enter their film/s in Full HD/1080p, as we’ll screen all the

selected works in that resolution.

• You must provide a direct download link (or via FTP) to your work, as we need offline

access to it. Submitted works without a download link might be disregarded.

• Our preferred formats are .mov/.mp4. Please use none or high-quality compression

whenever possible.

• Audio can be presented in mono or stereo but surround sound or spatial audio can’t be


• This festival is not a competition. There are no monetary prizes and no judging panel.


• All people in the world are eligible to participate in this festival. There is no entry fee.

• Each author can submit as many works as they please, but only up to three works per

author may be selected.


Email all submissions, via direct download link or FTP to:

Deadline is 12/15/24.

By participating in this call, the author conveys the non-exclusive rights to screen their material

at the UK Visual Music Festival. By taking part in our call, participants confirm being the owners

of any license, copyrights, and image/sound rights. Submitting your work does not guarantee

exhibition at the Festival. All applicants will be notified of their final decision via email. By

submitting to and being selected for the festival, you are giving UK permission to potentially

use a portion of your piece, stills or short clips, for festival promotion. Additionally, you are

giving permission for your work to be potentially included on the Singletary Center for the Arts

Vimeo page (non-monetized, educational, non-downloadable).