All Visual Music Blog posts from 2005 to present in list format starting with the most recent posts.
- MuVi7 - Call for Visual Music Works
- Center for Visual Music - Call For Visual Music Works
- International Call for Works - VISUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL
- Larry Cuba - Extract from Film First Fig (1974)
- A Taste of Synaesthesia - Art Exhibition - London
- SOUND/IMAGE 2023 - Call for Works
- Digital Alchemy - Visual Music Work
- Performing Media Festival - 2023 - South Bend, Indiana
- WORK: Amach Amárach (Out Tomorrow) by Matt Winston
- MuVi 6 - Video and Moving Image on Synaesthesia and Visual Music
- BOOK LAUNCH - Live Visuals: History, Theory, Practice
- Svetlana Rudenko - Pianist - Music and Art Concert - Dublin
- Journal on Synaesthesia and Art available to purchase now
- Jim Andrews - Interactive Audio + Color music + Digital Poetry - 2022
- PUBLICATION: Synesthesia: intersensory aspects of cognitive activity in science and art
- FORTHCOMING BOOK: Live Visuals History, Theory, Practice
- The Art of Sound and Light, St Petersburg
- Call for Paper Submissions - The Art of Sound and Light - St Petersberg
- Crash Ensemble - [R E A C T I O N S] - Ireland
- Ion Concert Media - Visuals synced for Live Music Concerts
- Freska and AUJIK music video collaboration - Flows
- ARTIST FOCUS: Alberto Novello - JesterN
- PAPER: Julie Watkins - Composing Visual Music - Published 2018
- Sound & Image Aesthetics and Practices - 360º Exhibition Tour - 2020
- SeenSound Visual Music
- Seeing Sound Symposium 2020 - Online
- ARTIST: Timo Kahlen - Sound Sculptor and Media Art
- DEBUT EP: Ciclos and Music Video by Hannah Lee
- PROJECT: Snoösphere responsive art installation
- PROJECTS: Playmodes - Generative Visual Music Jukebox
- ARTIST: L. P. Ponor and MUSICIAN: Nick Janczak - "There Is No More There Any More" - Art Music/Collaborations.
- ARTIST: Alba G. Corral
- ARTIST: Zsolt Gyenes
- Punto y Rya 2020 - Festival for Abstract Film - Call for Works
- Pre-order: Sound and Image: Aesthetics and Practices (Sound Design) 2020
- Boogie Stomp Pink - Stuart Pond
- Stages by Paul Klooren
- In Situ - site inspired audiovisual performances
- New Online Resource - CVM Collections and Archive - Patreon Channel
- László Moholy-Nagy: ABC in Sound / Tönendes ABC (1933) | BFI National Archives
- D.D. Jameson - Colour Music (1844)
- Visual Music Book- Out Now (2018) by Adriano Abbado
- Call for Paper Submissions - Exploring and Preserving Visual Music Symposium
- NEW: Oskar Fischinger DVD - Available to order at CVM
- Seeing Sound 2018 - Call for Works and Papers - Deadline EXTENDED to 24th January 2018
- Louis M. Brill - Lumia Projections
- David Hockney Exhibtions
- Call for Works - Sound / Image 2017
- MuVi 5 - Call for Works
- Luca De Rosso - AV0
- London’s SPLICE FESTIVAL: 26th - 28th May 2017
- “Cluster”, a light and sound generative installation
- Blog “Sacred Lumia” by Louis M.Brill
- Live@CIRMMT presents: Videomusic
- Shoko Ise (Visuals) and Steve Jansen (Music)
- Ryoichi Kurokawa - single channel to sculptural display
- Aurora Gasull - Un Sourire, on music of Olivier Messiaen
- A Visual Music Salon - CVM and the Blindspot Project
- KIMA by Analema Group and Union Chapel Organ Project, video of performance
- Matt Abbis Animations
- Analemma Group - KIMA: The Wheel
- Punto y Raya 2016 - Trailer
- Punto y Raya 2016 - October 20-23, 2016
- Alexandra Grant - writing with materials
- Call for Works - Les Rencontres Internationales 2016
- ADDICTIVE TV Interview
- Call for Abstract Short Films - Punto Y Raya 2016
- Splice AV Festival - 3rd-5th June 2016
- Art Pop Project KYOTI
- RECENT BOOKS - Topic of VIsual Music
- CALL FOR WORKS/PAPERS - Seeing Sound 4 - April 9th-10th 2016
- Sound/ Image Colloquium 2015
- Digitized Animations from Early Optical Toys
- Kurt Laurenz Theinert - Philipp Rahlenbeck - Visual Piano with Uli Mitzlaff
- Animation about: Edmund Burke and the sublime - Sounding Visual Blog
- Call for Contributions to the "klingt gut! / sounds good!" symposium on sound - Hamburg
- Call for Submissions - Understanding Visual Music - Brazil
- Call for Videomusic Compositions - Montreal Videomusic Festival 2015
- KIMA - music like you’ve never seen before
- Videomusic concert - Dias de Música Electroacústica 21 - CEC
- Capital Irish Film Festival: Music and Multimedia Concert
- Visual Music Award 2015 - Call For Works
- Video - Jan Mayen directed by Michael Fragestein
- Circle of Light - Moscow International Light and Multimedia Festival
- "Visual hearings, a synesthetic experience"
- Reconstruction of the Ballet triadico 1970 by Margarete Hastings
- Contact - Augmented Acoustics
- Force.Line.Border by Casey Farina
- Robert Henke - Lumière
- Day 2 - Reykjavik/PuntoyRaya Visual Music Festival -
- s+v+m Blog - Resource for sounds-visual-movement
- Call for Music and Multi-Media Works from Irish Artists and Composers
- VIsual Music Award 2014 - Call for Works
- Johnathan Gillie - Moving Image
- Andreas Karaoulanis - bestbefore
- Exploring Visual Music - Symposium
- Mathew Biederman - Event Horizon
- SoundImageSound 10 - Call for intemedia and visual music composition works
- Exhibition - Reflections from Damaged Life. An exhibition on psychedelia
- Online Article: A Brief History of Optical Synthesis by Derek Holzer
- Vibeke Sorensen's Visual Music Installation | Beyond 3D Festival ZKMKarlsruhe
- Punto Y Raya Abstract Visual Music and Live Cinema Festival - Call for Works
- Talk in ATRL, Trinity College, Dublin - Preserving Visual Music: The Archives of Center for Visual Music
- Fractal - Synthesis Screening Events
- Tate Modern - Found: new restorations and discoveries from Center for Visual Music
- The Diasynchronoscope project: Experiments in Choreographed Time
- Seeing Sound Symposium - OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS
- Dedalo - An instrument to 'see the sound'
- I Hear a New World Exhibition, 2013
- Early 20th Century Drawn Sound - Russia
- Lumigraph Performance by Barbara Fischinger
- Oskar Fischinger's Raumlichtkunst
- A Concrete Cinema?
- Étude aux allures-1960 - Pierre Schaeffer, Raymond Hains
- Mark Rowan-Hull - Performance Painting
- Lis Rhodes - Light Music - Tate, London
- CIRCUS 5.1 - Computer Programs - Music - Graphics
- Samadhi by David West
- Ryoichi Kurokawa - rheo: 5 horizons
- Jean Detheux - "...lilac shrieks and scarlet bellowings..."
- The Aeonchild Visualist Project
- Daniel Palacios - Waves
- Colour Music Recollections - Sonic Acts, 2012
- soundmachines
- Musical Matrix of the Universe - Konstantin Zadorozhnikov
- Scott Snibbe - MotionPhone app for iPad
- Pedro Mari/ Defetto - πάντα ῥει
- Awork // Mikołaj Pasiński - Awake
- Staub Leben - Live reactive environment.
- Richard Lainhart - Wonderful Audio Visual Compositions
- VIDEODROME 2012 - Call For Works
- SPECTRAL - CTM Festival 2012
- Jean Piché - OCÉANES
- Electoluminescence by Sharon Phelan
- 20 Hz - Semiconductor Video
- Tony Brooks Towards New Multisensory Spaces and Environments
- Silk Chroma - Honouring Prize - Visual Music Award
- FOLDS video installation - Robert Seidal
- Yan Breuleux - Experimental Animation Video - Immersion
- Jane Cassidy - Square Ball Insallation
- Christina McPhee - bird of paradise / channel three
- Expanded Abstraction: CVM Program, Los Angeles
- Fast Forward: Conversations with Machines
- Oskar Fischinger Painting Exhibition - Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 'Raumlichtmusik' - Early 20th Century Abstract Cinema Immersive Environments.
- Andrew Hill - Flux
- Understanding Visual Music 2011 - Conference - Call for Works
- Radio Dada by Rosa Menkman
- CCRMA Stage - Light Dreams: Visual Music by Vibeke Sorensen
- Call for Works - MuVi3. International exhibition of video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music
- Audiovisuelle Rauminstallation fear:love by Gerrit Kress
- CVM Lecture And Screening - At ZKM Germany - May 11, 2011
- Binary Opposition - by Edgar Barroso
- Vessel - Alba G. Corral and Jon Hopkins
- Visual Music - Supporting Programme
- Advanced Beauty - 18 Sound Sculptors
- Clinker - Gary James Joynes - Live Cinema
- Filter - Issue 66 - Synchresis
- Event - The New Flesh - May 2011
- Schematic as Score by Derek Holzer
- Optical Glasses Installation
- Bart Vegter - Nacht-Licht - 1993
- Kurt Laurenz Theinert - Visual Piano
- CVM - Charles Dockum - Mobilcolor
- Call for Visual Music Works - VISUAL MUSIC AWARD
- An Evening of Visual Music with Dennis Miller
- CAMP Festival - Festival for Visual Music
- Space Light Art - by Cindy Keefer
- Pierre Hebert - Fraction Part2 - Improvised image and music
- Live Visual Music Event
- Georges Schwizgebel - Fugue (1998)
- Jane Cassidy - Visual Music Piece
- luminokinetika /// trailer
- Rectangle & Rectangles (1984) - Réné Jodoin
- Silk Chroma - Visual Music Piece
- Purform - WHITE BOX | Excerpts
- Sensorium 1 - Dublin - March 11th, 2011
- Nocci Composer
- BORIS CHIMP 504 - Audiovisual real time performance
- AV Clash - Tag Mash
- Visual Music in Montréal - October 2010
- Ryoichi Kurokawa - RHEO:5
- Genesi - live audiovisual - Abstract Bird
- pixel noizz - PXN_richterizz
- Ted Brickman - Video Mapping
- Sonar - Gravité, 2009
- Funki Porcini Orange Drop
- Chris Casady - Tongul Torture, 2009
- Sensology - Michel Gagné - 1996 to 2010
- Seth Olitzky - Flashpoint, 1987
- Bret Battey - Sinus Aestum (2009)
- Diego Garro - Patah
- Summer School Masterclass: Visual Music Collaborative Report
- Jon Behrens - Pure Cinema
- Center for Visual Music - VIMEO CHANNEL
- Visual Music Archive
- Celebrating Elfriede Fischinger on her 100th Birthday: A Benefit Exhibition and Reception
- First-Ever Vimeo® Festival & Awards
- Call for Entries 2010 - Visual Music Award
- onedotzero_adventures in motion - 2010 - call for works
- Sara Rossi - Installation "TV effect"
- NGB - video for Jinesis music track "candy"
- Chiaki Watanabe - New Live Visual Music Performances - Europe
- Call for Works - Really Useful Resource
- Shane McKenna - Moving Lights in D
- {R}ake - electro-acoustic music and video
- Joseph Hyde - Vanishing Point Video - Audiovisual work
- Störung Festival 5.0 of experimental electronic music and visual arts
- FAR - 8 Music Films, 8 Directors, 8 Weeks
- rain - audio visual composition - iphone application
- Visual Music: Sensory Cinema 1920s-1970s
- Collection of Visual Music Resources - Amazon
- The OpenEnded Group: Upending - World Premiere
- The Art of Algorithm in the Moving Image by Martin Blažíček
- VISUAL MUSIC at Mad Hatters' Review
- Iotacenter - Site of the Week - November 30th - 2009
- Visual Music Survey - Ilias Bergstrom
- Sound and Image Event - Colchester, UK
- Jodina Meehan - Cymatics Artist
- Lichtspiel: Contemporary Abstract Animation and Visual Music
- EraSer + vj Ape5 - audiovisual and experimantal project
- Jean Detheux - Festival du Nouveau Cinéma - 2009
- punto y raya festival - 76 films
- Antonio Brech - Psycho-Sound-Graphics
- 48X48 - Installation by Visual System
- Seeing Sound Symposium - Bath Spa University - UK
- IQBIT - Electronic Music Composer - Collaboration with Visual Artists
- Center for Visual Music to Preserve Fischinger Experiments
- martin böttger - QUBY
- Vimeo Video Channels
- VPlay: An Interactie Surface for VJing by Stuart Taylor
- Katherine Lubar - Colour to Music Intervals - Painting
- Preserving Visual Music - By Holly Willis for Blur + Sharpen
- Composer - Ronan Guilfoyle - Rhythm Book/Essays
- Cimatics\09\Festival - Call for Works
- biot(h)ing - Invisibles - Alisa Andrasek
- Sound out of Paper - Research Project - Andrei Smirnov
- Heike Sperling : Visual Music Resource
- Kate McKeon - Adrift
- Collectif EXYZT - inter disciplinary
- AlloSphere Research Factility - Interecting Science, Engineering and New Media
- Nancy Herman - Visual Music
- Visualising Music
- onedotzero_adventures in motion: call for submissions
- Ryoichi Kurokawa - Japan - audiovisual artist
- Nihil 12 from _blank
- Gwen Vanhee - Flash AS2 generated visuals - Belgium
- Otolab - Italy
- Junk Box Fraud - Multimedia Performance - Ireland
- 12_Series by Telcosystems - 2009
- Visual Music Essay - 2007 - Maura McDonnell
- Australian Cinémathèque - Visual Music - 2008
- Computer Baroque - online exhibition - 2009
- This Narrator is Blind
- This Narrator is Blind - Experimental Video
- Iota Center - YouTube Channel
- Jan Dybala - Vrgb
- Call for Works - Back to Basics
- Iota Center - YouTube Channel
- Tate Modern - Expanded Cinema Symposia
- COMPOSER - Jim Aitchison - Visible Music
- Richard Baily
- Say it with Pictures - ARTICLE
- Musical Expression to Constructivist Painting
- My YouTube Channel
- Dancing with Mathematica
- Visual Music Marathon - New York - Review
- Visual Music Marathon - April 11th New York
- onedotzero_adventures in motion
- Ballet Mecanique
- Yan Breulux - After Dark
- Steve Bird - Cafe Concrete
- Steve Bird - Eves Solace
- oktopus - Galeria pretenciosa
- Andrew Hill - Decomposing the Light
- Andrew Hill - Flux
- Restless Brilliance
- Visual Music Village
- Sonic Pixels - An Essay on Music and Motion in Three Parts
- Noisefold - Ring Matrix
- Ned Resnikoff - Illustrated, music movies
- Ned Resnikoff - Illustrated, music movies
- Jeremy Blake, Winchester 2000
- Jeremy BLAKE ,video for Beck's
- Experimental Music Film - Note Bank
- Oskar Fischinger - Komposition in Blau
- Michael Theodore - night, 2007
- Calculated Movements
- Yantra - James Whitney (1957)
- Yantra - James Whitney (1957)
- Lapis - James Whitney (1966)
- Michael Theodore - Color Dream no.246
- Mary Ellen Bute - Tarantella (1940)
- John Whitney Reed RDTD
- Mary Ellen Bute - Rythm in light
- Larry Cuba's Calculated Movements (clip from documentary)
- John Whitney-Permutations (1966)
- John Whitney - Catalogue
- John Whitney - Arabesque (1975) early computer graphics
- October Октябрь
- Meam - ska019
- Norman McLaren - lines: horizontal (1962)
- Dada (Mary Ellen Bute, 1936)
- meso-Progress Bar - Interactive Bar Coffee Table
- Anthony McCall
- Experimental Music and Video Resource
- Timescape - Ji-Hoon Byun & E.J. Gone
- The Light Bead Curtain
- The Light Bead Curtain
- The Light Bead Curtain
- Dissociative Fugue video - Stretta
- Transmediale 08 - Call for Works
- Limiteazero - Laptop Orchestra
- Database of Virtual Art
- Octopulse
- Octopulse
- Jordan Belson - Five Essential Films
- INTERAKT STUDIO - Božidar Svetek
- Soundwaves - Kinetica Museum, Spitalfields, London
- AWN - Visual Music Article - Jean Detheux
- book+dvd - "MuVi. Video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music"
- Theodore Watson - Audio Space - 2005
- Graffti Research Lab
- Heart Chamber Orchestra - audiovisual performance
- Moonlight - Interactive Visualization of Beethoven's No.14
- Wolfram Tones: An Experiment in a New Kind of Music
- Transfer of Music into a Graphic Image
- Musical Graph Theory
- CTM2007: Illuminations 1.1
- CODE & FORM: Computational Aesthetics
- Audiopad
- Moditifed Toy Orchestra
- Make Beautiful Brain Music
- Futurevisual Call For Projects - 2007
- Networked Performance Blog
- Article: Curating Abstract Visual Music
- CALL FOR WORKS - Visual Music Works
- Video and Music Performers (VAMP) - UK
- Peter Donebauer - The Videokalos Colour Synthesiser
- Richard Monkhouse - Spectre Colour Video Synthesiser
- Screen Music Event -
- NOTV Visual Music - VJ Label
- Karl Kliem - Music Videos [Germany]
- Dennis H. Miller
- Media Art Net - Resource
- Antal Lux - Website
- Antal Lux - Website
- Antal Lux - Identity (1991)
- Antal Lux - Identity (1991)
- Battleship Potemkin and Pet Shop Boys
- Pet Shop Boys soundtrack to Odessa Steps Sequence
- Excerpt - Odessa Steps Sequence
- Claudia Rohrmoser - VI:KNRZ_TRU (2002)
- Paul Friendlander
- Music Blackboard
- Peter Greenway/David Lang - Writing on Water - 2005
- Writing on Water - youtube excerpt
- Abelardo Morell - Camera Obscura - Photographer (US)
- Abelardo Morell - Camera Obscura - Photographer (US)
- Bernardo Bertolucci - The Conformist (1970)
- René Clair -Entr'acte (1924)
- Sergei Eisenstein - Alexander Nevsky (1938)
- Sergei Eisenstein - October (1927)
- Excerpt from October (1927) by Sergie Eisenstein
- Excerpt - The Odessa Steps Sequence
- The Station Steps - The Untouchables (1987)
- Sergei Eisenstein - Battleship Potemkin (1925)
- Dziga Vertov - Man with the Movie Camera (1929)
- Dziga Vertov - Man with a Movie Camera
- Stanley Jubrick - 2001: Space Oddysey
- Vito Acconci - Theme Song (1977)
- Article: Beyond Myth and Metaphor ...
- Stan Douglas: Win, Place or Snow
- Article: Rudolf Frieling "Context Video Art"
- Antal Lux
- Lev Manovich - Soft Cinema Interview
- John Smith
- Screenonline - 1920s and 1930s Avant-Garde Film
- Rene Jodoin - Notes on a Triangle (1966)
- Casablanca - Michael Curtiz
- Tomek Baginski - The Cathedral - 2003
- Chris Marker - La Jetee - 1962
- Sue Constablie - Still Not Still
- Claudia Rohrmoser - VI:KNRZ_TRU (2002)
- Walter Ruttmann - Opus 1 - 1921
- Thomas Wilfred - Lumia - Untitled Opus 161, 1956/66
- Rear Projection Installation
- Alfred Hitchcock - Rear Window (1954)
- Scott Pagano
- Sonic Focus 2006
- Sue Constabile - Video Artist - Live Improvisational
- Annaud - Enemy at the Gates
- Len Lye - Videos on Google Video
- Camera Obscura - The Legacy Photo Project
- Chris O'Shea - Sonicforms installation
- George O. Stadnik - Lumia Artist
- Laserwhite Lumia
- Nancy Herman - Colors moving in time to music
- Barry Hale - Haiku
- Joel Cadman - Spinning Lights
- Yugop
- Orwell - Music Video - Toutes les nouvelles parlent d'hier
- Album Covers Galore - youtube broadcast
- Metropolis - Fritz Lang - 1927
- The Thief of Baghdad - 1940
- Deadly Media - Hexstatic
- Joan Jonas - Waltz
- Project Bifid - installation
- James Seo - Interior
- Yoshiyuki Komatsu - Roundscape
- Nell Breyer and Jonathan Bachrach - push and MIT - imove
- Viking Eggeling - Syphonie Diagonale
- Hexstatic - Deadly Media
- Sheri Wills - Integrated music and video - US
- Scott Draves - Kunstformen
- Scott Draves - Dub Visuals
- Spot aka Scott Draves
- Gunvar Nelson - Film/ Video Artist - US - Sweeden
- Chris O'Shea - Sonicforms
- Viking Eggeling - Symphonie Diagonale
- Hans Richter - Rhythm 21
- Walter Ruttmann
- Anna Geyer film - aradaptor
- Walter Ruttmann - Opus 1 - 1921
- Patrice Leconte - Le Batteur du bolero - 1992
- Ben Fry - Genome Valence
- Michael Snow - Wavelength
- Gyorgy Ligeti - Poème symphonique for 100 metronomes
- Anton Giulio Bragaglia - Thais - 1916
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Re:Positioning Fear
- Oliver Gondrey - Bricoleur
- Georges Méliès - Le Mélomane - 1903
- Georges Méliès - l'homme orchestre - 1900
- Georges Méliès - Trip to the Moon - 1902
- Norman McLaren - Synchromy - 1971
- Norman McLaren - Canon
- Norman McLaren - A Chairy Tale - 1957
- Norman McLaren - Neighbours - 8mins - 1952
- Simon Doyle - Music in Similar Motion
- Stan Brakhage - Prelude 5 (1985)
- Hans Richter - Dreams That Money Can Buy
- Hans Richter - Rhythm 23 (1923)
- Henry Mills - Kino Da (1981)
- Sound - John Cage and Kirk Roland 1966
- Lumiere Brothers
- George Méliès - Voyage to the Moon - 1902
- Abelardo Morell - Camera Osbscura - Photographer (US
- Edwin S. Porter - The Great Train Robbery - 1903
- D.W. Griffith - The Birth of a Nation
- Lumiére Brothers - The Arrival of a train at la Ciotat Station - 1895
- Dickson Experimental Sound Film - 1895
- Eugene Sandow may 18 1894
- Virigl Wildrich - Copyshop - 2001
- Golan Levin - Messa di Voce
- Norman McLaren - A Chairy Tale
- Golan Levin - Messa di voce - youtube
- Grocery Store Wars
- Grocery Store Wars
- Caesar and Cleopatra - Early Colour Film
- Caesar and Cleopatra - Early Colour Film
- Metropolis - (From veoh)
- Metropolis - (From veoh)
- Metropolis - (From veoh)
- Somadrone - Neil O Connor - Ireland
- Kate McKeon - Carnival - Video and Music
- History of Early Visual Media
- - About the book
- La Monte Yound, Marian Zaaeela, Pandit PRan Nath
- BibliOdyssey: The Visual Context of Music
- Sergio Maltagliati - Automated Interactive Net Visual Music
- Website -
- Article on visualising music by Rebecca Winzenried
- Article: Metaprogramming Emergent Graphics by Scott Draves
- Interakt Studio - Slovenija
- Arts in Motion - US
- Thomas Wilfred Lumia by Richar Lovstrom
- Music Beyond Performance: SoundImageSound - US
- George Stadnik - New York
- Telerektion by Alex Itin
- Simon Shaw Miller - Talk on Timbre in Art and Music
- Reblog -
- Light-emitting shirts
- Light-emitting shirts
- Light Emitting Shirts
- Alex Itin
- Chris O' Shea - London
- The Color Piano Project
- Article on Oskar Fishinger
- Oskar Fishinger DVD - 10 Classic Visual Music Films
- Amelie - YouTube
- Amelie - YouTube
- Koyaanisqatsi III - YouTube
- Koyaanisqatsi III - YouTube
- Godfrey Reggio - Koyaanisqatsi II - youtube excerpt
- Powaqqatsi - YouTube
- Powaqqatsi - YouTube
- Johannes Deutsch - Media Artist
- Mahler's Symphony Visionized by Johannes Deutsch
- ARS Electronica - Johannes Deutsch
- Golan Levin - YouTube Video Excerpt
- Liana Russ - YouTube
- Liana Russ - YouTube
- Beco Das Palavras - YouTube
- Beco Das Palavras - YouTube
- Jaap Blonk
- Golan Levin - YouTube
- Golan Levin - YouTube
- Golan Levin - YouTube
- Nancy Hermann
- Reich at the Roxy - YouTube
- Electroplankton - YouTube video excerpt
- Toshio Iwai (TENORI-ON) @ Artfutura05 - youtube
- Toshio Iwai (TENORI-ON) @ Artfutura05 - youtube
- Toshio Iwai en Sonar 2006 - youtube
- Toshio Iwai en Sonar 2006 - youtube
- Sue Constabile - youtube
- Sue Constabile - youtube
- reacTable - Ars Electronica Linz, Austria
- reacTable - Ars Electronica
- reacTable - Ars Electronica
- Painting with Light. Professional Lighting tip
- Painting with Light. Professional Lighting tip
- Eric Satie and the American Revolution - youtube
- Eric Satie and the American Revolution - youtube
- Pendulum, Pit & Hope - youtube
- Pendulum, Pit & Hope - youtube
- Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube
- Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera
- Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube
- Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera
- Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube
- Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera
- Bill Viola - De begroeting - youtube
- Bill Viola - De begroeting - youtube
- Tony Conrad - youtube
- Tony Conrad - youtube
- Film and Video Umbrella [UK]
- Mahler - Symphony no. 2 (Bychkov 2006) youtube
- Mahler - Symphony no. 2 (Bychkov 2006) youtube
- Gallery of Computation
- Jackson Pollock
- Michel Gondry - Radiohead - Knives Out - youtube
- Michel Gondry - Radiohead - Knives Out - youtube
- Amon Tobin - Slowly
- Amon Tobin - Slowly
- redVolution
- redVolution
- brass song
- brass song
- Lutz Mommartz [Germany]
- Animal Crackers (1930) - youtube
- Animal Crackers (1930) - youtube
- Ben Hur - The Chariot Race - YouTube
- Ben Hur - The Chariot Race - YouTube
- Andrei tarkovsky's stalker sleeps - YouTube
- Andrei tarkovsky's stalker sleeps - YouTube
- Enfances - Lumiere Brothers - YouTube
- Enfances - Lumiere Brothers - YouTube
- Alice in Wonderland - 1903
- Towards One - Audio Visual Piece by Maura McDonnell
- Towards One - Audio Visual Piece by Maura McDonnell
- Hans Richter - Film Studie (1925)
- Hans Richter - Film Studie (1925)
- Hans Richter - Ghost Before Breakfast (1928)
- Hans Richter - Ghost Before Breakfast (1928)
- Chris Cunningham's aphex twin video
- Chris Cunningham's aphex twin video
- Hans Richter - Rhytmus 21
- Hans Richter - Rhytmus 21
- Neil O Connor - Somadrone - Film
- Neil O Connor - Somadrone - Film
- Varese & Le Corbusier - Poeme electronique -1958
- Varese & Le Corbusier - Poeme electronique -1958
- Stan Brakhage - The Dante Quartet
- Stan Brakhage - The Dante Quartet
- Walter Ruttmann - Opus 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Whitney - Lapis
- Walter Ruttmann - Opus 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Len Lye - A Colour Box
- Len Lye - A Colour Box
- Sun Dial Project
- Locosound
- Sonic City
- Jiffy-Squid Reviews
- Independent Exposure
- Microcinema - DVD
- Monome 40h on YouTube
- BLOG - Matrixsynth
- Ballet Mechanique @ Dada Exhibit
- C!b0rg5 Blog
- Jon Spencer on the thermin
- Varese & Le Corbusier - Poeme electronique -1958
- Dalbin - Resources Pages
- die gestalten
- Resonantie - How a resonance has his influence on rice
- Etch-A-Sound
- Video - Small Room Tango
- David Hillel Art
- Ruben Rivera - Artist and Digital Artist
- thesystemis
- Corebounce
- Steve Roden - finding words in notes
- Steve Roden
- Kaleidoscope by Filipe Viegas and Andre Goncalves
- steve roden
- Richard Garet
- addenda - video audio works
- Surround: Installation - May 2006, Brooklyn
- Sean Kerr
- Nicolas Schoffer - Teleluminoscope
- Sensors_Sonics_Sights
- Mutek - International Festival of Music, Sound and New Technologies
- Steve Roden - Finding words in music (2006)
- Book - The Visual Mind - Art and Mathematics
- Book - Hertzian Tales - Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design
- Book - Digital Storytelling
- Book - CUTS by Carl Andre
- Book - Conceptual Art - A Critical Anthology
- Book - The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures
- BOOK- Cognition and theVisual Arts
- Book - Abstract Film and Beyond by Macolm le Grice
- Book - Chrisof Migone - Sound Voice Perform
- Book - Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language
- Book - Site of Sound: Of Architecture and the Ear
- whatamidoingwithmylife?
- Mass Music Dome
- 2006 Interactive Art Resources
- Norman McLaren - Animated Motion
- The VJ Book - Live Visual Performance
- Joost Rekveld - Work and Writings
- Adriano Abbado
- Unseen Cinema - Early American Avant-Garde Film 1894-1941
- Visual Music Exhibtion - 2005 - Hirshorn Museum - US
- Tonecolor - Resource - Greg Jalbert
- MediaArtHistories - Archive, Event, Conferences
- Yolande Harris - media artist and composer
- Light Sculptor - Mulino
- Ian Inaba directs Eminem’s “Mosh” Music Video
- Resource Website - Multimedia - From Wagner to Virtual Reality
- Steve Beck - Illuminated music
- Thomas Wilfred - Light Art
- The Scientific Graphics Project
- Topological Slide - Michael Scroggins - Stewart Dickson
- An Evening of Visual Music Films - CVM and LA Filmforum US - 2005
- Oscillation - 3D animation, saxophone, real-time sound processing, motion capture data
- Pixel 3 - collaboration in image and music
- Radiographic - aesthetic between aural and visual
- Beginning, Middle & End - Exploring Narrative
- Kinetoh - Generative Art Installations
- Jonathan Rosen - Animation - Motion - Graphics
- V.S Ramachandran's Illusions
- SEE HEAR NOW - Moca - Visual Music Event
- MOCA - Visual Music Events
- Leo Villareal - Light Installations
- Nike Savvas - Installation - Lights replacing sound
- Granular Synthesis
- Jennifer SteinKamp - video and new media
- Jim Campbell - Electronics Artist
- Jeremy Blake
- Acme Filmworks
- Alain Escalle - Special Effects and Direction
- Christian Boustani - Films
- Sue Costabile - Sue C
- Tamás Walicky - Media Artist
- Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE
- Jeffrey Shaw - Installations, Interactivity,Virtuality
- Antony Raijekov - Mediabox
- Gordon Monahan - multimedia sound installations
- Jean Piché - videomusic
- Joseph Hyde - Sound and Video Multimedia
- John Crawford - Dance and hybrid media
- Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1
- Clive Holden - 14 film poems
- Mariele Neudecker - Films in response to Schubert
- Winterreise: A Winter's Journey - Video Accompaniement
- Kronos Quartet - Visual Music
- Dennis Miller - 3D Animations
- John Gerrard - Video Installation
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