The Monome is a new music interface with LED-backlit pads, a USB interface that transmits OSC and MIDI data to a computer, and � here�s the unusual part � open source, hackable firmware and software interface. Touch the pads, and you can use this as a step-sequencer and remix tool (as in the example), but the real philosophy here is being able to do whatever you want, so think of the example video as just a start.
Felix Faire (UK), a Parametric System Designer had designed some very interesting interactive installations. One of these, Contact is an interface with which to manipulate and visualize sounds. Beautiful results. View Contact: Augmented Acoustics CONTACT: Augmented Acoustics from Felix Faire on Vimeo . "CONTACT is a tangible audio interface to manipulate and visualize sounds generated from interaction with a simple wooden surface. Any physical contact with the table generates acoustic vibrations which are manipulated and visualized LIVE as they occur using several communicating pieces of software. All code will be opensource and available on github. Bartlett School of Architecture Msc AAC Tutor: Ruairi Glynn" More information: Vimeo Channel: