"Sonic City is a project exploring mobile interaction and wearable technology for everyday music creation. We have designed, implemented and evaluated a system that creates electronic music based on sensing bodily and environmental factors. Mapping these to the real-time processing of concrete sounds, Sonic City generates a personal soundscape co-produced by physical movement, local activity, and urban ambiance. Encounters, events, architecture, (mis)behaviours – all become means of interacting with or 'playing the city'. "
I am very happy to announce the call for works for visual music films for a visual music festival devoted to contemporary practice to be held at the University of Kentucky, US. Why I am very proud is one of my former students is involved in organising this, well done Kristine SCFA Visual Music Festival 2025 @ The University of Kentucky Call for visual music films, Deadline is 15th December 2024 General Rules: • The films must be made entirely with abstract imagery, avoiding representation. That is: no cars, no people, no landscapes, no texts, etc. • You can use any technique you’d like: drawing, video composition, cgi, scratch, op-art, stop-motion, camera-less… • The soundtrack cannot feature any words, in any language. If you’re using a song, this must be instrumental or feature non-narrative voices, (no lyrics). • Maximum running time is 8 minutes. • Open and/or closing credits are welcome. • Films must have been produced after 2017. • We kindly request authors to enter their fi...