PAPER: Julie Watkins - Composing Visual Music - Published 2018

Julie Watkins, a practicing visual music artist and theories the in field published the following paper, 'Composing Visual Music: Visual Music Practice at the Intersection of Technology, Audio-visual Rhythms and Human Traces' in 2018. It is published by the Body, Space & Technology journal and is available to read on their website.

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This article is an excellent article on Visual Music and it raises several theoretical ideas as well as analysis of the author's own visual music practice and research intertwined with a very rich source of references to key texts and works in the field.

Harvard Citation:

Watkins, J., 2018. Composing Visual Music: Visual Music Practice at the Intersection of Technology, Audio-visual Rhythms and Human Traces. Body, Space & Technology, 17(1), pp.51–75. DOI:

Reservoir Image retrieved from  Copyright 2014 by Julie Watkins.

Visual Music Installation - Singing Light by Julie Watkins

I was very fortunate to experience this beautiful visual music installation in London as well as the previous installation Singing Light 1.  The use of space and the scale of the work was really impressive and being able to move around a visual music work was really lovely.  A short document of the installation is embedded from Julie's Vimeo account below.

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