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WORK: Amach Amárach (Out Tomorrow) by Matt Winston

A beautiful visual music piece titled Amach Amárach (Out Tomorrow), Electronics, Flute and Piano in Eb Major where visuals and music are composed by Matt Winston can be viewed online. 

Frame from the film, 'Amach Amárach (Out Tomorrow)'

Matt graduated from the MMT programme in 2021 and I was his supervisor for his project in which one of the outputs was this beautiful film. 

The film was premiered at the  MMT 2021 Exhibition which was online because of the Pandemic. 

The Visual Music Piece is inspired by Chromesthetic Art and the Synaesthesia phenomenon.

Filmed on Kodak Tri-X Black & White Super 8 film and digitally processed using Adobe After Effects.

Video Link

Matt Winston - Amach Amárach (Out Tomorrow), 2021

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