
Article: Curating Abstract Visual Music

CALL FOR WORKS - Visual Music Works

Video and Music Performers (VAMP) - UK

Peter Donebauer - The Videokalos Colour Synthesiser

Richard Monkhouse - Spectre Colour Video Synthesiser

Screen Music Event -

NOTV Visual Music - VJ Label

Karl Kliem - Music Videos [Germany]

Dennis H. Miller

Media Art Net - Resource

Antal Lux - Website

Antal Lux - Website

Antal Lux - Identity (1991)

Antal Lux - Identity (1991)

Battleship Potemkin and Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys soundtrack to Odessa Steps Sequence

Excerpt - Odessa Steps Sequence

Claudia Rohrmoser - VI:KNRZ_TRU (2002)

Paul Friendlander

Music Blackboard

Peter Greenway/David Lang - Writing on Water - 2005

Writing on Water - youtube excerpt

Abelardo Morell - Camera Obscura - Photographer (US)

Abelardo Morell - Camera Obscura - Photographer (US)

Bernardo Bertolucci - The Conformist (1970)

RenƩ Clair -Entr'acte (1924)

Sergei Eisenstein - Alexander Nevsky (1938)

Sergei Eisenstein - October (1927)

Excerpt from October (1927) by Sergie Eisenstein

Excerpt - The Odessa Steps Sequence

The Station Steps - The Untouchables (1987)

Sergei Eisenstein - Battleship Potemkin (1925)

Dziga Vertov - Man with the Movie Camera (1929)

Dziga Vertov - Man with a Movie Camera

Stanley Jubrick - 2001: Space Oddysey

Vito Acconci - Theme Song (1977)

Article: Beyond Myth and Metaphor ...

Stan Douglas: Win, Place or Snow

Article: Rudolf Frieling "Context Video Art"

Antal Lux

Lev Manovich - Soft Cinema Interview

John Smith

Screenonline - 1920s and 1930s Avant-Garde Film

Rene Jodoin - Notes on a Triangle (1966)

Casablanca - Michael Curtiz

Tomek Baginski - The Cathedral - 2003

Chris Marker - La Jetee - 1962

Sue Constablie - Still Not Still

Claudia Rohrmoser - VI:KNRZ_TRU (2002)

Walter Ruttmann - Opus 1 - 1921

Thomas Wilfred - Lumia - Untitled Opus 161, 1956/66

Rear Projection Installation

Alfred Hitchcock - Rear Window (1954)

Scott Pagano

Sonic Focus 2006

Sue Constabile - Video Artist - Live Improvisational