
Mathew Biederman - Event Horizon
Matthew Biederman's work Event Horizon , multichannel HD video, 4.1 audio, custom software, computers 2012, is an incredible sensation of colour. And what can I say but put it that way - a sensation of colour. Commissioned for: 1st Biennial of Digital Art, Montreal and Presented at: Salle McLaren, Cinematheque Quebecqoise May 3 - June 10, 2012. An interview about it is included in the recent Sonic Acts Catalogue, 2013, Dark Universe More information on the work: "The work metaphorically explores the phenomenon of the ‘event horizon’. Understood scientifically, the term refers to the space-time beyond which events cannot affect an observer. The most common situation where this occurs naturally are the edges of a…

Optical Glasses Installation
I have just come across this very interesting audiovisual project installation, based in Russia. The glasses are illuminated to the music. It consists of hardware and software to realise the illumination. A video clip of the installation is available on youtube or at the website documenting the project Youtube link: Website:

Katherine Lubar - Colour to Music Intervals - Painting
Applying Concepts of Musical Consonance and Dissonance to Colour An edited version of this article was published in the May 2004 edition of the journal Leonardo (Vol. 37, No. 2) K atherine Lubar is a painter and musician who applies concepts of musical consonance and dissonance to the use of colour in her paintings. This article on colour intervals is a most comprehensive account of how she does this in her work, it is also an excellent article documenting a colour to music interval correspondence. (Author Comment) "After comparing the colour intervals to their musical counterparts, I do feel they share something in common — the colour intervals don’t have the same character as each of the musical intervals, but both seem to follow a similar pattern in terms of w… Assign colors to songs at the free music promotion community, " Synaesthesia is the mixing of the senses. Those affected by it hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. When the two senses involved are sound and color, this phenomenon is no longer limited to synaesthetes: anyone, given a sound and time for contemplation, can ascribe color to that sound. Often, these connections between sound and color will overlap from person to person. Color Of My Sound is an informal experiment to test that hypothesis. First, choose a sound category . Then, after listening, choose the color to which you are most strongly drawn. Give us your thoughts. Then, you can see how others voted for that particular sound. &quo…

Transfer of Music into a Graphic Image Interesinting work on transforming music intervals into a graphic image. Other project is the correspondence of sound to colour

Thomas Wilfred - Light Art
Website about Thomas Wilfred - light art Thomas Wilfred [Danish-American; 1889 - 1968] was a pioneer in developing what he called Lumia, the art of light. "A Wilfred Lumia work is a composition of light, color, and form which changes slowly with time. It exhibits a very wide range of light intensity and a broad spectrum of delicate colors and shapes. These are extremely difficult to record and impossible to "play back" with fidelity, even using a high quality monitor. Thus you cannot experience the full, almost visceral, impact of his work unless you see it in person. Unfortunately, there are only approximately 35 of his works in existence and these are rarely displayed publicly. So here we attempt to convey, however feebly, some "feel" for the…