
This Narrator is Blind
YouTube channel: [Italy]

This Narrator is Blind - Experimental Video
The title of the video refers to the legend of Homerus, the ancient greek author, who wrotes beautiful poems, although he was blind.  "the video it's , let's say, an accidental video; I was very sad and nervous, filming the sun behind some leaves, till I saw these fast and continuously changing figures... I thought that my camera was going crazy, like myself. Than , some months later, I recorded a guitar base, and edited those images on the music."  Video Artist: Ruggero YouTube channel: [Italy]

Iota Center - YouTube Channel "iota is a public benefit, non-profit arts organization founded in 1994 on the premise that this wide range of techniques and titles share common aesthetic goals which unite them into a single art of light and movement today generally known as "Visual Music." "iota is dedicated to preserving, promoting and uniting the dynamic world of visual music through our various programs: research, publication, preservation, exhibition and distribution. Our programs together celebrate this art form from its earliest appearance through its current expression with the latest technologies." For more information, please visit our website at Videos on the iotacenter channel at present (April 2009) are wo…

My YouTube Channel

Ned Resnikoff - Illustrated, music movies
frame from Erev Shel Shoshanim youtube video Erev Shel Shoshanim: Ned Resnikoff - Illustrated, music movies Ned Resnikoff creates incredible illustrated music movies with his own software program Vizzy. The images for the movies are mathematical representations of audio data. Check out his movies on his website and on youtube. Ned is a musician who has combined his interests in music and mathematics by applying wavelet filters to audio analysis. He works on software tools to make sound and music something we can see, understand, and modify in new ways. More information and contact details and video clips on his website Website: You Tube Videos of the following recent movies : Gymnopedies: http://www.yo…