Seeing Sound is an informal practice-led symposium exploring multimedia work which foregrounds the relationship between sound and image. It explores areas such as visual music, abstract cinema, experimental animation, audiovisual performance and installation practice through paper sessions, screenings, performances and installations. Seeing Sound Symposium - Bath Spa University For 2020, the Seeing Sound Symposium is taking place online over two days on 12th December and 13th December 2020. The call for works, panels and papers closes 16th November, 2020 Call for Submissions NOTE EXTENDED DEADLINE to midnight GMT Monday 16th November 2020 The Seeing Sound Symposium has been taking place biannually since 2009 and the website provides a rich archive of the events that took place from papers to installations to screenings and music concerts. Seeing Sound is based at Bath Spa University and is directed by Joseph Hyde [j...
The Visual Music blog by Maura McDonnell gathers resources of interest to the art of visual music. The blog in particular includes websites that document work, artists, filmmakers, composers, musicians, video artists, exhibitions, call for worlds and events that work with the art and medium of visual and sound. All forms and presentations of visual music and audiovisual composition and performance are considered. This blog contains an extensive archive as it has been active since 2005.