
“Cluster”, a light and sound generative installation
" Cluste r is an immersive audiovisual site-specific installation that explores relationships between space, time and perception. Geometric schematization of architecture using light instruments transforms the space into a container for the abstract language of light and sound.” Cluster - Playmodes Documentation Playmodes have provided extensive documentation and videos about their Cluster project on their website at: They use their own software created by Playmodes and integrate this with a hardware system to transform architectural spaces into audiovisual experiences. "The audiovisual discourse generated in real time using software created by Playmodes, researches the possibilities of formal clusters of oscillators app…

Kurt Laurenz Theinert - Philipp Rahlenbeck - Visual Piano with Uli Mitzlaff
Kurt Laurenz Theinert - Visual Piano with Uli Mitzlaff at lumina, Cascais    "Published on 14 Oct 2015 This german artist proposes us some serious entertainment. An abstract language of lines, spots and dynamic plans which represent visually music activated by the artist through a MIDI keyboard. Committing the audience in the performance by creating various graphic patterns that expands the geometry of the surrounding architecture, just as the thundering winter approaches in a manipulated and controlled chaos by the artist. Kurt Laurenz Theinert is an artist of light and other different media, who acts live preferably, having his artwork “Visual Piano” being previously presented in cities all around the world. Conceived in collaboration with Philipp Rah…

Optical Glasses Installation
I have just come across this very interesting audiovisual project installation, based in Russia. The glasses are illuminated to the music. It consists of hardware and software to realise the illumination. A video clip of the installation is available on youtube or at the website documenting the project Youtube link: Website:

Sound out of Paper - Research Project - Andrei Smirnov
"Sound out of Paper is a research project in progress related to the technology of synthesizing sound from light called Graphical (Drawn) Sound technique which was invented in Soviet Russia in 1929 as a consequence of the newly invented sound-on-film technology. At exactly the same time similar efforts were being undertaken in Germany by Rudolf Pfenninger in Munich and, somewhat later, by Oscar Fischinger in Berlin. As such the history of the Graphical Sound is an interesting cross section of 20th century history, reaching from the euphoria of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century inventors through the paradigm-smashing experiments of the Soviet avant-garde in the 1920's and 1930's to the cynical clash of ideologies of the Post-war years and finally…

Anthony McCall
Filmmaker Anthony McCall ..."uses the physical properties of projected light to create and illuminate architectural spaces. McCall's new work, entitled 'You and I, Horizontal' is comprised of two projectors and a fog machine which combine to create a three dimensional space in which the viewer can observe and manipulate the power of light to convey space."(Source: Rhizome News listing Anthony McCall website: SFMOMA event: Rhizome Listing:

The Light Bead Curtain
" description The Light Bead Curtain is an interactive musical installation that can be freely played by person's touch. The installation takes the form of a beaded curtain; strings of simple clear beads. Each bead, on a users touch, lights itself and emits a unique sound. People play with the curtain by weaving their hands through it, touching it with their faces, and moving through it with their body. An environment of light and sound is created when people engage with the curtain. "

Octopulse "The Octopulse shows that noise is music. With this cuddly ‘alien bagpipe’ you can control analogue sound synthesis through unconventional means. The ‘tonetacles’ of the Octopulse react to movement and light, transferring movements into information for an analogue synthesiser to convert into cacophonous noises."

Octopulse "The Octopulse shows that noise is music. With this cuddly ‘alien bagpipe’ you can control analogue sound synthesis through unconventional means. The ‘tonetacles’ of the Octopulse react to movement and light, transferring movements into information for an analogue synthesiser to convert into cacophonous noises."

Light Sculptor - Mulino
Mulino 503 - Light Sculptor

Thomas Wilfred - Light Art
Website about Thomas Wilfred - light art Thomas Wilfred [Danish-American; 1889 - 1968] was a pioneer in developing what he called Lumia, the art of light. "A Wilfred Lumia work is a composition of light, color, and form which changes slowly with time. It exhibits a very wide range of light intensity and a broad spectrum of delicate colors and shapes. These are extremely difficult to record and impossible to "play back" with fidelity, even using a high quality monitor. Thus you cannot experience the full, almost visceral, impact of his work unless you see it in person. Unfortunately, there are only approximately 35 of his works in existence and these are rarely displayed publicly. So here we attempt to convey, however feebly, some "feel" for the…

Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1
Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1 Installation sound modulated light installation screenshot "Sound Modulated Light #1 is an environment of light and sound. The sound is not present acoustically, but is radiated by the lights. The light sources are the carriers of the sound. Every light source in the arranged space has a double role, simultaneously being part of the light design and part of the sound design. The sound is modulated on top of the light by means of intensity modulation. The lights flicker, but mostly at a speed that cannot be perceived by the human eye." source text Photos available at: More projects by Edwin van der Heide at: Update: May 2011 "S…