
s+v+m Blog - Resource for sounds-visual-movement
s+v+m Blog - Resource for sounds-visual-movement Rodrigo Carvalho Excellent resource in this blog by Rodrigo Carvalho of VISIOPHONE. In particular Carvalho uses the blog to keep a notebook on sounds-visual-movement topics (like a sister of this blog!) Really great articles on live performance work. To quote: "This blog intends to work as notebook for my research on synergies between Sound-Visuals-Movement, audiovisual interactive systems, augmented realities, graphic representations of sound and movement in real time, hypersensory immersive media and synaesthesia states." His recent post on graphic sound visualisers is just brilliant (courtesy of a facebook post one of the leaders in the field of live audio-visual performance, Max Hattler ) …

NEW VISUAL MUSIC RESOURCES from Ron Pellegrino Ron Pellegrino's website has an extensive amount of resources that are of great relevance for any studies into visual music and visual music visualisers.  Not only does it document his own work, but also provides links to his writings on the area of music and visual studies and writings and resources on visual music. For example some really excellent resources can be found linked from the homepage of his website - Topics and Resources such as: Visual Music Compositional Thinking Of interest is his recent writings and resources and a book and DVD now available. EMERGENT MUSIC AND VISUAL MUSIC: INSIDE STUDIES - BOOK and DVD - 2009 Some new visual music …

AlloSphere Research Factility - Interecting Science, Engineering and New Media
California NanoSystems Institute, UC Santa Barbara "The AlloSphere is a unique, one-of-a-kind scientific instrument that is a culmination of 24 years of Professor JoAnn Kuchera-Morin's creativity and research efforts in media systems and studio design. She approached the design of the AlloSphere in much the same way that she composes a piece of music... The AlloSphere space consists of a 3-story cube that is treated with extensive sound absorption material making it one of the largest anechoic chambers in the world. Standing inside this chamber are two 5-meter-radius hemispheres constructed of perforated aluminum that are designed to be optically opaque and acoustically transparent. There are currently two projectors, soon to be multiple high-resolution video …

Visualising Music
Came across this amazing video demonstrating a visualising of music created with software. The YouTube video channel belongs to username inwit and there are a few more videos of this visualising of music - incredible stuff.

INTERAKT STUDIO - Božidar Svetek
Božidar Svetek, "a private researcher and video artist, has since 1979 been exclusively concentrating on the connection of music, painting and technics, i.e., the linking of sound and picture. With the onset of modern computer technology, he transfers such »classic« experience into a new medium. In 1996 he took out a patent for a procedure of visualizing a sound event, so that by the help of a new instrument, he »plays« the colour contents of each music work. The new instrument offers a new post-productive expressive form to music, which is accessible to every individual. What is achieved by this is a film quality that opens new concepts and aesthetic extensions united in two human immanences, in a united duration frame of time and space. All the so far accompli…

Moonlight - Interactive Visualization of Beethoven's No.14 Moonlight is an interactive installation of the visualization of the first movement of Beethoven's No.14 Sonata.

Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE
AVIE -Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment Project Overview Jeffrey Shaw  and  Dennis Del Favero with  Matthew McGinity ,  Ardrian Hardjono  and  Volker Kuchelmeister AVIE  is the world’s first 360-degree stereoscopic immersive interactive visualisation system that includes a motion tracking systems and a multi-channel audio system. Driven by an experimental framework, it uses a suite of cutting edge hardware and software resources enabling the development of applications in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence. AVIE  has been installed as  core visualisation infrastructure  at  ZKM , Centre for Art and media, Karlsruhe, Germany, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Rensselaer Polytechnic University, New York,  USA , where it fo…