
martin böttger - QUBY
QUBY QUBY from tsaworks_martin Böttger on Vimeo . Martin böttger, Germany has several videos on Vimeo - some of these are also installations. Excellent work and great audio visual connections.  This video he created with Maya. His Blog: tsaworks Of his many video excerpts on vimeo, this work creeated in collaboration with Bruno Dias is wonderful - such tight 3D integration with the audio. Tractor TRACTOR from tsaworks_martin Böttger on Vimeo .

Vimeo Video Channels
There are some really interesting vimeo channels showcasing contemporary work in the audio visual field. These channels are a great opportunity to see what is going on with audio visual work/art/music today. They also demonstrate how many different fields that audio visual works are taking place in - such as in installation settings, as interfaces, in gallery spaces, as films and animations led by music collaborations and music label collaborations - there are just so many ways now in which audio and visual are being put together...I like to still call all these approaches visual music. (Author Comment) Experimental Motion Graphics Channel Designflux "Designflux exists as a quarterly pu…