
Yan Breuleux - Experimental Animation Video - Immersion
Yan Breuleux 's beautiful works are really worth checking out. Based in Montreal, both teaching in the faculty of Music at the University of Montreal and completing a Phd, he has accumulated a large portfolio of works that are documented clearly on his website. Website: Yan Breuleux's animations are quite beautiful and some of their presentations and installations are quite breathtaking. He collaborates with musicians and composers and creates pieces for multi-screen, panoramic and hemispheric presentations. He is interested in the influence of architecture in audio visual performance and some of these projects are incredible in their scale and drama. An example project has been documented on flickr. "En préparation de la diffus…

Database of Virtual Art
"The Database of Virtual Art documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art. This complex, research-oriented overview of immersive, interactive, telematic and genetic art has been developed in cooperation with established media artists, researchers and institutions. The web-based, cost-free instrument - appropriate to the needs of process art - allows individuals to post material themselves. Compiling video documentation, technical data, interfaces, displays, and literature offers a unique answer to the needs of the field. All works can be linked with exhibiting institutions, events and bibliographical references. Over time the richly interlinked data will also serve as a predecessor for the crucial systematic preservation of this art." HEAD…

Topological Slide - Michael Scroggins - Stewart Dickson
Michael Scroggins - Immersive VR and Absolute Animation Art and Virtual Environments Project "Mathematicians often describe the nature of certain topological surfaces by describing what it would be like to "take a walk" on the surface. The Topological Slide uses immersive virtual reality technology to provide this type of direct sensual experience. "The 'rider' will wear a head mounted display enabling an interactive wide-angle stereo view of a three-dimensional space. The space will consist of a model of a topological surface to which the platform is bound and upon which it is free to slide. The 'rider' may traverse the model's surface by leaning in the direction in which she desires to move. The amount of lean in a given…

Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE
AVIE -Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment Project Overview Jeffrey Shaw  and  Dennis Del Favero with  Matthew McGinity ,  Ardrian Hardjono  and  Volker Kuchelmeister AVIE  is the world’s first 360-degree stereoscopic immersive interactive visualisation system that includes a motion tracking systems and a multi-channel audio system. Driven by an experimental framework, it uses a suite of cutting edge hardware and software resources enabling the development of applications in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence. AVIE  has been installed as  core visualisation infrastructure  at  ZKM , Centre for Art and media, Karlsruhe, Germany, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Rensselaer Polytechnic University, New York,  USA , where it fo…