
Alex Itin

Chris O' Shea - London

The Color Piano Project

Article on Oskar Fishinger

Oskar Fishinger DVD - 10 Classic Visual Music Films

Amelie - YouTube

Amelie - YouTube

Koyaanisqatsi III - YouTube

Koyaanisqatsi III - YouTube

Godfrey Reggio - Koyaanisqatsi II - youtube excerpt

Powaqqatsi - YouTube

Powaqqatsi - YouTube

Johannes Deutsch - Media Artist

Mahler's Symphony Visionized by Johannes Deutsch

ARS Electronica - Johannes Deutsch

Golan Levin - YouTube Video Excerpt

Liana Russ - YouTube

Liana Russ - YouTube

Beco Das Palavras - YouTube

Beco Das Palavras - YouTube

Jaap Blonk

Golan Levin - YouTube

Golan Levin - YouTube

Golan Levin - YouTube

Nancy Hermann

Reich at the Roxy - YouTube

Electroplankton - YouTube video excerpt

Toshio Iwai (TENORI-ON) @ Artfutura05 - youtube

Toshio Iwai (TENORI-ON) @ Artfutura05 - youtube

Toshio Iwai en Sonar 2006 - youtube

Toshio Iwai en Sonar 2006 - youtube

Sue Constabile - youtube

Sue Constabile - youtube

reacTable - Ars Electronica Linz, Austria

reacTable - Ars Electronica

reacTable - Ars Electronica

Painting with Light. Professional Lighting tip

Painting with Light. Professional Lighting tip

Eric Satie and the American Revolution - youtube

Eric Satie and the American Revolution - youtube

Pendulum, Pit & Hope - youtube

Pendulum, Pit & Hope - youtube

Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube

Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera

Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube

Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera

Bill Viola - Sweet Light - youtube

Jan Svankmajer, Et Cetera

Bill Viola - De begroeting - youtube

Bill Viola - De begroeting - youtube

Tony Conrad - youtube

Tony Conrad - youtube