
Iota Center - YouTube Channel "iota is a public benefit, non-profit arts organization founded in 1994 on the premise that this wide range of techniques and titles share common aesthetic goals which unite them into a single art of light and movement today generally known as "Visual Music." "iota is dedicated to preserving, promoting and uniting the dynamic world of visual music through our various programs: research, publication, preservation, exhibition and distribution. Our programs together celebrate this art form from its earliest appearance through its current expression with the latest technologies." For more information, please visit our website at Videos on the iotacenter channel at present (April 2009) are wo…

Iota Center - YouTube Channel "iota is a public benefit, non-profit arts organization founded in 1994 on the premise that this wide range of techniques and titles share common aesthetic goals which unite them into a single art of light and movement today generally known as "Visual Music." "iota is dedicated to preserving, promoting and uniting the dynamic world of visual music through our various programs: research, publication, preservation, exhibition and distribution. Our programs together celebrate this art form from its earliest appearance through its current expression with the latest technologies." For more information, please visit our website at Videos on the iotacenter channel at present (April 2009) are wo…

My YouTube Channel

Restless Brilliance
" Restless Brilliance ", an evening exploring new trajectories in music and video. "VOLUME and the Hammer Museum present Restless Brilliance, an evening exploring new trajectories in music and video. Showcasing new work in the emergent field of experimental electronic and audiovisual performance, Restless Brilliance presented artists that are blurring the lines between music, cinema, performance, and art. This installment of our ongoing series with the Hammer Musuem presents a live performance by Shuttle358, and a screeningof Colorfield Variations organized by artists Richard Chartier." Source: and Check out one of the artists beautiful works. Tin…

Visual Music Village
Visual Music Village - for Visual Music Artists, Writers, and Venues. Join today. Find more videos like this on The Visual Music Village

Experimental Music and Video Resource
Excellent experimental Music and Video Resource run by Spenayoung.

AWN - Visual Music Article - Jean Detheux
Visual Music Marathon: Musical Fine Art Animation Benchmark by Jean Detheux Excellent article by Jean Detheux, May 24th, 2007 discussing the Visual Music Marathon Event held on April 28th, 2007 in Boston. 13 pages of excellent comments and discussion, with a selection of videoclips from the event online, illustrated with the article.

book+dvd - "MuVi. Video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music"
Dina Riccò & Maria José de Cordoba (edited by), "MuVi. Video and moving image on synesthesia and visual music" Edizioni, Milano, 2007 [book+DVD] MuVi , an acronym for Musica Visiva (“Visual Music”), an event of the Second International Conference "Synaesthesia: Science & Art" (from April 28th to May 1st 2007, Granada, Spain), is a collection of kinetic visual, audio-visual or interactive works that spring from music by artists, musicians, designers and performers. This catalogue collects the works of the 23 participants that answered the call for kinetic works. The attached DVD includes 40 movies, for a 150 minute video content. The book is for sale here: Dina Riccò Politecnico…

Article: Curating Abstract Visual Music
ARTICLE: " On Curating Recent Abstract Visual Music " by Jack Ox and Cindy Keefer © Jack Ox and Cindy Keefer , 2006-08. Authored for The New York Digital Salon's Abstract Visual Music catalog and website. Slight revision, 2008.

UntitledMedia: a survey of New Media Art

Media Art Net - Resource
Mediaartnet - Resource "Introducing the range of topics related to media and art, « Media Art Net » thus aims at establishing an Internet structure that offers highly qualified content by granting free access at the same time. Tendencies of art and media technology development throughout the twentieth century serve as the background for promoting historic and contemporary perspectives on artistic work in and with the media. A combination of diverse representational modes will offer a condensed, attractively presented multimedia focus for the interested 'surfer,' as well as profusely documented in depth information for users specifically involved in research. The main objective is, therefore, to establish theoretically and audio-visually convincing forms of…

Article: Beyond Myth and Metaphor ...
Beyond Myth and Metaphor -The Case of Narrative in Digital Media by Marie-Laure Ryan

Book - The Visual Mind - Art and Mathematics
Book - The Visual Mind - Art and Mathematics "Scientific visualization, higher-dimensional geometries, 3D computer modeling, computer animation, and imaginary and virtual environments are just a few of the ground-breaking areas in which artists and mathematicians are exchanging ideas and working together. The Visual Mind introduces a new universe of mathematical images, forms, and shapes in media ranging from drawings to computer graphics, as well as discussion of the methods used to create these works. These 35 chapters are by mathematicians concerned with the visual fruits of their computations and by visual artists concerned with the mathematical origins and inspirations of their works. They are divided into sections covering Geometry and Visualization; Co…

Book - Hertzian Tales - Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design
Book - Hertzian Tales - Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design "The cultural speculations and conceptual design proposals in Hertzian Tales are not utopian visions or blueprints; instead, they embody a critique of present-day practices, "mixing criticism with optimism." Six essays explore design approaches for developing the aesthetic potential of electronic products outside a commercial context—considering such topics as the post-optimal object and the aesthetics of user-unfriendliness—and five proposals offer commentary in the form of objects, videos, and images. These include "Electroclimates," animations on an LCD screen that register changes in radio frequency; "When Objects Dream...," consumer product…

Book - Digital Storytelling
Book - Digital Storytelling "Digital Storytelling is grounded in filmmaking, the scriptwriting process in particular. McClean considers crucial questions about digital visual effects—whether they undermine classical storytelling structure, if they always call attention to themselves, whether their use is limited to certain genres—and looks at contemporary films (including a chapter-long analysis of Steven Spielberg's use of computer-generated effects) and contemporary film theory to find the answers. McClean argues that to consider digital visual effects as simply contributing the "wow" factor underestimates them. They are, she writes, the legitimate inheritors of film storycraft." Source:…

Book - Conceptual Art - A Critical Anthology
Book - Conceptual Art - A Critical Anthology "Compared to other avant-garde movements that emerged in the 1960s, conceptual art has received relatively little serious attention from art historians and critics of the past twenty-five years. This landmark anthology collects for the first time the key historical documents that helped give definition and purpose to the movement. It also contains more recent memoirs by participants, as well as critical histories of the period by some of today's leading artists and art historians. Many of the essays and artists' statements have been translated into English specifically for this volume. A good portion of the exchange between artists, critics, and theorists took place in difficult-to-find limited-edition catalo…

Book - The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures
Book - The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures "After an introductory chapter, Temperley presents preference rule systems for generating six basic kinds of musical structure: meter, phrase structure, contrapuntal structure, harmony, and key, as well as pitch spelling (the labeling of pitch events with spellings such as A flat or G sharp)... " Source:

BOOK- Cognition and theVisual Arts
BOOK- Cognition and the Visual Arts "In this first systematic study of the connection between the new cognitive psychology and its importance to art, Solso reflects on the long relationship between humankind and art, observing that "mind and art are one." A major theme of this book, in fact, is that the clearest view of the mind comes when we create or experience art, a reverse of the usual view of art and cognition." Source:

Book - Abstract Film and Beyond by Macolm le Grice
Book - Abstract Film and Beyond by Macolm le Grice "Malcolm Le Grice, an important experimental filmmaker from England, film journalist for Studio International, and teacher ... gives us a lucid account, both historical and theoretical, of the main preoccupations of abstract filmmakers.... " Source:

SOUND STAGE - concert of sound and image