"Jan Mayen" is the title for a music video directed by Michael Fragstein at BĆ¼ro Achter April for Boozoo BajouĀ“s Album '4'. The video is really beautiful. Abstract as the director says just like the music. There are some really lovely animations of forms into and out of other forms and I love the colour combinations. Very intersting work being created by Michael and his team at BĆ¼ro Achter April, they are based in Stuttgart, Germany. Work divided into stills, motion, design engineering and interactive with the really relevant subtitle "Digitale Form". More information: Michael Fragstein at BĆ¼ro Achter April: http://8apr.de/studio.html Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/59911840 Boozoo Bajou: http://www.boozoobajou.com/ Vimeo embed of Jan Mayen JAN MAYEN, BOOZOO BAJOU from Michael Fragstein on Vimeo .
The Visual Music blog by Maura McDonnell gathers resources of interest to the art of visual music. The blog in particular includes websites that document work, artists, filmmakers, composers, musicians, video artists, exhibitions, call for worlds and events that work with the art and medium of visual and sound. All forms and presentations of visual music and audiovisual composition and performance are considered. This blog contains an extensive archive as it has been active since 2005.