
Book - Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality (2002)

Leonardo Book - Art At A Distance - Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet

Sound and Image -

Aesthetics of the Digital -

Overview of Media Art -

Jonathan Rosen - Animation - Motion - Graphics
Jonathan Rosen - Animation - Motion - Graphics Jonathan Rosen's website provides information and documentation in relation to Animation, Motion and Graphics projects. Quicktime video clips of the works are provided to preview the projects.

Leo Villareal - Light Installations
Leo Villareal - Lightscape "New York artist Leo Villareal’s Lightscape (2002)—a large, ten-by-seven foot wall-mounted screen utilizing LED colored lights—incorporates new computer and lighting techniques to build upon the effects of color organs of previous generations. " [Source text:]

Nike Savvas - Installation - Lights replacing sound
Nike Savvas - Anthem Nick Savvas - Anthem - Detailed Screen "London-based artist Nike Savvas’ (b. 1964) Anthem (The Carny) (2003) is a silent installation of disco and theatrical lights that takes the music of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds as its source. Evoking light shows and discotheques, Savvas uses colored lights moving at different speeds to not only represent sound but to replace it entirely." [Source text: ]

Granular Synthesis
Granular Synthesis - Pol Amazing Immersive Video Sound works

Jennifer SteinKamp - video and new media
Jennifer SteinKamp - Visual Music Installation Jennifer Steinkamp is an installation artist who works with video and new media in order to explore ideas about architectural space, motion, and phenomenological perception. [website: ] Jennifer SteinKamp - Loop "Recent explorations employing digital media and installation represent a fulfillment of the tradition while suggesting new directions for visual music. Using multiple video projections and amplified sound, Jennifer Steinkamp (b. 1958) constructed a space where the viewer is immersed in an environment of lights, color, form, and movement synchronized to a sound composition by Bryan Brown. In her work SWELL (1995), three projectors present digital animations of glowing colored starburst f…

Sue Costabile - Sue C
Sue Costabile Textural Technology. Moving Image Specialist. Video Artist. Photographer. Live Cinema Producer. Live Animation Stunt Woman. Audio-Visual Gaga. Mothership Mother. Urban Gardener. Nature Lover. Teacher. User of max/msp/jitter. Mini Movie Maker. Check Website: Vimeo channel: Vimeo Video Original Post: 08/02/2005 Sue Costabile is a video artist and photographer working mainly in a live improvisational settings. Her set up inlcudes a small camera, a light pad and various drawings, watercolors, photos and found objects which she animates with her hands and a computer program called Jitter. [adapted from texts at following website] Sue Constabile - Transmediale 20…

Tamás Walicky - Media Artist Tamás Waliczky was born in 1959, Budapest, Hungary. He started out by creating animations at the age of nine. Then he worked as painter, illustrator and photographer. He began working with computers in 1983. He was artist-in-residence at the ZKM Institute for Visual Media in 1992, and subsequently a member of the Institute's research staff (1993-1997) before taking up a guest professorship at the HBK Saar , Saarbrucken (1997-2002). The IAMAS in Gifu, Japan, has choosen Waliczky as artist-in-residence in 1998-99. From 2003 until 2005 he is professor at Fachhochschule Mainz . Between 2005 and 2010 he is at HBK Saar again, this time as full time professor. Since September 2010 he is professor at School of Creative…

Jean Piché - videomusic
Jean Piché - videomusic b (1951) Canada " Jean Piché is a composer who has developed into a video artist over the past few years. His practice meshes moving images and music in a new hybrid form he calls videomusic. In his beginnings as an electroacoustic composer in the 1970s, he was one of the very first Canadians to employ the then emerging digital audio technologies. He has produced works in every genre of electroacoustics for mixed and acousmatic to live-electronics. His work aims for poetic expression beyond any sort of formalism. The work has been alternately described as confounding, colorful and virtuosistic." source text Jean Piché's website provides information, documentation and Quicktime video clips on his videomusic, sound music work.…

Joseph Hyde - Sound and Video Multimedia
Joe Hyde's project Zeotrope 1998 "explores issues around the relationship between people and machines, and questions perceptions of the 'perfection' of technology. It is about use and misuse; abuse, breakdown. " View video and info at: Joseph Hyde's website provides documentation, video clips and audio clips of his projects and collaborations. His work combines media into audiovisual works - electroacoustic music and video, interactive projects etc. He uses digital and electronic media to make sonic and multimedia works, installations and performances. Areas of exploration in his work are the complex interaction of abstract sound and image, and the integration of interactive technology into li…

Dennis Miller - 3D Animations
Dennis Miller - 3D Animations and music composition screenshot Real media video clips and of his animations and more information are available at: UPDATE - MAY 2011 New website by Dennis H. Miller documenting his works online at: Here you can preview his Animations, Music and Graphics. Dennis H. Miller - White Noise - 2009 Viewable on the iotacenter youtube channel