S E N S O R I U M was a weeklong festival of new music from Irish and international artists featuring workshops, talks and a series of concerts. It included everything from electro-acoustic works and audio visual displays to improvisation, performance art and contemporary dance. The goal of Sensorium "is to show co-creative musical works in a structured curation intended to stimulate multiple senses and challenge the audience’s attention through changing aesthetics and perceptions". see: http://www.projectartscentre.ie/programme/whats-on/1191-sensorium for the programme for the week Sensorium was curated by Judith Ring , Angie Atmadjaja and Emily Kalies I attended the Sensorium 1 night on friday, March 11th and really enjoyed the variety of works that were presented. This was a really well produced show. It was a show that did indeed challenge ones attention as the works were adventurous in content and in placement in the performance space. I was really looking fo...
The Visual Music blog by Maura McDonnell gathers resources of interest to the art of visual music. The blog in particular includes websites that document work, artists, filmmakers, composers, musicians, video artists, exhibitions, call for worlds and events that work with the art and medium of visual and sound. All forms and presentations of visual music and audiovisual composition and performance are considered. This blog contains an extensive archive as it has been active since 2005.