
CALL FOR WORKS/PAPERS - Seeing Sound 4 - April 9th-10th 2016

Sound/ Image Colloquium 2015

Digitized Animations from Early Optical Toys

Kurt Laurenz Theinert - Philipp Rahlenbeck - Visual Piano with Uli Mitzlaff

Animation about: Edmund Burke and the sublime - Sounding Visual Blog

Call for Contributions to the "klingt gut! / sounds good!" symposium on sound - Hamburg

Call for Submissions - Understanding Visual Music - Brazil

Call for Videomusic Compositions - Montreal Videomusic Festival 2015

KIMA - music like youā€™ve never seen before

Videomusic concert - Dias de MĆŗsica ElectroacĆŗstica 21 - CEC

Capital Irish Film Festival: Music and Multimedia Concert

Visual Music Award 2015 - Call For Works