
Johnathan Gillie - Moving Image

Andreas Karaoulanis - bestbefore

Exploring Visual Music - Symposium

Mathew Biederman - Event Horizon

SoundImageSound 10 - Call for intemedia and visual music composition works

Exhibition - Reflections from Damaged Life. An exhibition on psychedelia

Online Article: A Brief History of Optical Synthesis by Derek Holzer

Vibeke Sorensen's Visual Music Installation | Beyond 3D Festival ZKMKarlsruhe

Punto Y Raya Abstract Visual Music and Live Cinema Festival - Call for Works

Talk in ATRL, Trinity College, Dublin - Preserving Visual Music: The Archives of Center for Visual Music

Fractal - Synthesis Screening Events

Tate Modern - Found: new restorations and discoveries from Center for Visual Music

The Diasynchronoscope project: Experiments in Choreographed Time

Seeing Sound Symposium - OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS

Dedalo - An instrument to 'see the sound'

I Hear a New World Exhibition, 2013

Early 20th Century Drawn Sound - Russia