Larry Cuba gave a master class at Punto Y Raya Festival in 2023, October 11. It is now available to watch on the Punto Y Raya YouTube Channel. In this master class he gives us an incredible archaeological dig (as he introduces his class) into the early days of computer graphics and how he made his computer animated graphic films. Incredibly, he shows a short excerpt of one of his first computer graphic films made at the JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, California in 1974. Excerpt of First Fig by Larry Cuba 1974
The Visual Music blog by Maura McDonnell gathers resources of interest to the art of visual music. The blog in particular includes websites that document work, artists, filmmakers, composers, musicians, video artists, exhibitions, call for worlds and events that work with the art and medium of visual and sound. All forms and presentations of visual music and audiovisual composition and performance are considered. This blog contains an extensive archive as it has been active since 2005.